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Metodo di Ricerca ed analisi adottato

Il medoto di ricerca ed analisi adottato è riportato suwww.coltrinariatlanteamerica.blogspot.com

Vds. post in data 30 dicembre 2009 seguento il percorso:
Nota 1 - L'approccio concettuale alla ricerca. Il metodo adottato
Nota 2 - La parametrazione delle Capacità dello Stato
Nota 3 - Il Rapporto tra i fattori di squilibrio e le capacità delloStato
Nota 4 - Il Metodo di calcolo adottato

Per gli altri continenti si rifà riferimento al medesimo blog www.coltrinariatlanteamerica.blogspot.com per la spiegazione del metodo di ricerca.

venerdì 29 aprile 2022

Progetti di Sviluppo. Aggiornamenti


La Newsletters del 26 aprile 2022 dell'Institute for Economics & Peace presenta i seguenti articoli:


World Bank: India's extreme poverty down by 12.3% in last decade. Extreme poverty in India declined by 12.3% from 2011 to 2019. Research by the bank indicates that extreme poverty in rural areas declined from 26.3% of the population, to 11.6%. Extreme poverty in urban areas decreased from 14.2% to 6.3%.

Low-producing US oil wells account for half of US methane emissions.Low-producing oil and gas wells that account for just 6% of total US productionprovide only half of the total methane emissions from all US oil and gas wells.

World Bank estimates Ukraine physical damage at $60 billion. Physical damage to Ukraine's buildings and infrastructure from Russia's invasion has reached $60 billion so far. This is the equivalent to 40% of the country’s GDP.

Start-ups in Africa record $5.2 billion in VC funding. A report by the African Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (AVCA) says that African start-ups secured $5.2 billion in venture capital in 2021, nearly five times more than in 2020.

Almost 50% of Canadians within $200 of declaring bankruptcy. 31% of Canadians polled claimed that their income was not sufficient to cover monthly expenses, while 49% of respondents said they were within $200 of needing to declare bankruptcy.

Libya suspends production at largest oilfield. Libya's National Oil Company has suspended operations at two major oil sites: the Zouetina terminal and the al-Charara field, after shutting down several other facilities in connection with protests and political rivalries.

info: ricerca.cesvam@istitutonastroazzurro.org

per approfondimenti sul CESVAM



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