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Metodo di Ricerca ed analisi adottato

Il medoto di ricerca ed analisi adottato è riportato suwww.coltrinariatlanteamerica.blogspot.com

Vds. post in data 30 dicembre 2009 seguento il percorso:
Nota 1 - L'approccio concettuale alla ricerca. Il metodo adottato
Nota 2 - La parametrazione delle Capacità dello Stato
Nota 3 - Il Rapporto tra i fattori di squilibrio e le capacità delloStato
Nota 4 - Il Metodo di calcolo adottato

Per gli altri continenti si rifà riferimento al medesimo blog www.coltrinariatlanteamerica.blogspot.com per la spiegazione del metodo di ricerca.

martedì 12 novembre 2013

Istituto Affari Internazionali. Un nuovo libro

New Publications on the Gulf Region and the
Role of the European Union

The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), together with partner institutions, have published a series of new research papers and commentaries exploring different themes in the evolving relationship between the EU and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).

A complete list and access to the research is available here.

Published in the context of the two-year project Sharaka – Enhancing Understanding and Cooperation in EU-GCC Relations, the research tackles themes ranging from trade and energy relations, to maritime security, the mediafinance and higher education.

Coordinated by IAI and funded by the European Commission, the project aims to promote relations between Europe and the Gulf region by carrying out policy-oriented research, dissemination and outreach activities as well as providing opportunities for the exchange and training of young researchers and academics from Europe and GCC countries.

For more information about the project, please visit the Sharaka website.
Other recent IAI publications on the Gulf region include:

Silvia Colombo (ed.), Italy and Saudi Arabia, Confronting the Challenges of the XXI Century, IAI Research Paper 10, September 2013.

Riccardo Alcaro and Andrea Dessì (eds.), The Uneasy Balance, Potential and Challenges of the West’s Relations with the Gulf States, IAI Research Paper 8, April 2013.
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) via A. Brunetti 9, I-00186 Roma

Tel.        +39 063224360 (Switchboard)
Fax        +39 063224363
E-mail   iai@iai.it
Web       www.iai.it
Twitter  @iaionlie

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